Цареградська Тетяна Леонідівна – доцент КЗФ, к.ф.-м.н.
Саєнко Галина Володимирівна – молодший науковий співробітник КЗФ,
Турков Олег Володимирович – провідний інженер.
Posted on 17 October 2022.
Цареградська Тетяна Леонідівна – доцент КЗФ, к.ф.-м.н.
Саєнко Галина Володимирівна – молодший науковий співробітник КЗФ,
Турков Олег Володимирович – провідний інженер.
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 17 October 2022.
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 17 October 2022.
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 17 October 2022.
Вибрані публікації:
1) Olena S.Yakovenko, LudmilaYu. Matzui, Oleksii A.Syvolozhskyi, Ludmila L.Vovchenko, Oleksandra A.Lazarenko, Olena V.Ischenko , AllaG.Dyachenko, Anna V.Vakaliuk, Victor V.Oliynyk, Volodymyr V.Zagorodnii, Andrii V.Bodnaruk, Viktor M.Kalita, Mykola O.Borovoy . Epoxy composites filled with graphite nanoplatelets modified by FeNi nanoparticles: Structure and microwave properties. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2022, 283, 115776.
2) L.L.Vovchenko, L.YuMatzui, O.S.Yakovenko, O.V.Lozitsky, T.A.Len, V.V.Oliynyk, M.V.Galaburda, M.O.Borovoy, O.A.Syvolozhskyi . Electrical and shielding properties of epoxy composites with Ni–C and Co–C core- shell nanoparticles. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2022, 144, 115463.
3) M. Borovyi, Y. Gololobov, K. Isaieva, M. Isaiev. The Effect of X‐Ray Irradiation on Conductivity of C and 2 C Polytype TlInS2 Ferroelectrics. Physica Status solidi(b), 2021, 258(5), 2000556.
4) Mandrolko V. M., Borovyi M. O., Ovsiienko I. V, Len T. A., Matzui L. Yu., Gomon O. O., Naumova D. D. Peculiarities of phase transformations in graphite intercalation compounds with bromine. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2021, 721(1).
5) P. Tesel’ko, A. Trukhanov, K. Astapovich, O. Yakovenko, S. Trukhanov, M.Borovoy, O. Lozitsky, L. Matzui, L. Vovchenko, O. Lazarenko. Effect of Ga content on magnetic properties of
BaFe12−xGaxO19/epoxy composites. Journal of Materials Science, 2020 55(22), 9385.
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 17 October 2022.
1) Isaiev, M., Mussabek, G., Lishchuk, P., …Lacroix, D., Lysenko, V., Nanomaterials, 12(4), 708 (2022)
2) Vashchuk, A., Motrunich, S., Lishchuk, P., …Isaiev, M., Iurzhenko, M., Applied Nanoscience (Article in Press) (2022)
3) Mussabek, G., Zhylkybayeva, N., Lysenko, I., Lishchuk P., …Lisnyak, V.V., Lysenko, V., Nanomaterials, 12(14), 2426 (2022)
4) Lishchuk P., Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 22(2), pp. 321–327 (2021)
5) Litvinenko, S., Lishchuk, P., Lysenko, V., Isaiev, M. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 127(10), 139 (2021)
6) Poperenko L.V., Rozouvan S.G., Yurgelevych I.V., Lishchuk P.O., Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 12(3), 03024 (2020)
7) Dubyk K., Chepela L., Lishchuk P., Belarouci A., Lacroix, D., Isaiev M., Applied Physics Letters 115, 2 (2019).
8) P. Lishchuk, M. Isaiev, L. Osminkina, R. Burbelo, T. Nychyporuk, V. Timoshenko, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 107 (2019).
9) P. Lishchuk, A. Dekret, A. Pastushenko, A. Kuzmich, R. Burbelo, A. Belarouci, V. Lysenko, M. Isaiev, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134 (2018).
10) П.О. Ліщук, Р.М. Бурбело, М.В. Ісаєв, Наносистеми, Наноматеріали, Нанотехнології 16, 2 (2018).
11) P. Lishchuk, D. Andrusenko, M. Isaiev, V. Lysenko, and R. Burbelo, Int. J. Thermophys. 36, 2428 (2015).
12) M. Isaiev, P. J. Newby, B. Canut, A. Tytarenko, P. Lishchuk, D. Andrusenko, S. Gomès, J.-M. Bluet, L. G. Fréchette, V. Lysenko, and R. Burbelo, Mater. Lett. 128, 71 (2014).
13) Lazarenko M.M. The impact of the silica gel structure and surface chemistry on the melting of aliphatic nanocrystals: Thermodynamic model and experiment / M. M. Lazarenko, S. A. Alekseev, K. I. Hnatiuk, R. V Dinzhos, M. S. Nizameev, N. S. Koseva, F. Ublekov, A. G. Kuzmich, E. G. Rudnikov, K. S. Yablochkova, A. N. Alekseev // J. Phys. Chem. Solids – 2022. – Т. 161 – 110426с. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2021.110426
14) Neimash V. Tin induced a-Si crystallization in thin films of Si-Sn alloys / V. Neimash, V. Poroshin, P. Shepeliavyi, V. Yukhymchuk, V. Melnyk, A. Kuzmich, V. Makara, A. O. Goushcha // J. Appl. Phys. – 2013. – Т. 114 – № 21. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4837661
15) Neimash V.B. Mechanism of tin-induced crystallization in amorphous silicon / V. B. Neimash, A. O. Goushcha, P. E. Shepeliavyi, V. O. Yukhymchuk, V. A. Dan’ko, V. V. Melnyk, A. G. Kuzmich // Ukr. J. Phys. – 2014. – Т. 59 – № 12. https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe59.12.1168
16) V. Neimash, P. Shepelyavyi, G. Dovbeshko, A.O. Goushcha, M. Isaiev, V. Melnyk, O. Didukh, and A. Kuzmich. Nanocrystals growth control during laser annealing of Sn:(α-Si) composites // J. Nanomater (2016) 7920238
17) K. Voitenko, V. Veleschuk, M. Isaiev, A. Kuzmich, O. Lyashenko, O. Vlasenko, M. Melnychenko, E. Malyarenko, S. Zhelnakov, V. Lysenko, and R. Burbelo. Nonlinear laser ultrasound formation in silicon // AIP Adv. (2016), 6, 105306.
18) V. B. Neimash, A. O. Goushcha, P.Y. Shepeliavyi, V. O. Yukhymchuk, V. A. Danko, V.V. Melnyk, Andrey G. Kuzmich Self-sustained cyclic tin induced crystallization of amorphous silicon // Journal of Materials Research (2015) Vol. 30 , Issue 20, pp. 3116 -3124
19) M. Isaiev, K. Voitenko, V. Doroshchuk, D. Andrusenko, A. Kuzmich, A. Skryshevskii, V. Lysenko, R. Burbelo, Thermal Elasticity Stresses Study in Composite System ‘Porous Silicon – Liquid’ // Physics Procedia (2015) Vol. 70, pp. 586-589
20) M. Isaiev, D. Andrusenko, A. Tytarenko, A. Kuzmich, V. Lysenko, R. Burbelo Photoacoustic Signal Formation in Heterogeneous Multilayer Systems with Piezoelectric Detection // International Journal of Thermophysics (2014) vol.35, (12),p.2341-2351
21) A. Tytarenko, D. Andrusenko, A. Kuzmich, I. Gavrilchenko, V. Skryshevskii, M. Isaiev and R. Burbelo Features of photoacoustic transformation in microporous nanocrystalline silicon // Technical Physics Letters (2014) Vol.40,N 3, p. 188-191
22) V. Neimash, V. Poroshin, P. Shepeliavyi, V. Yukhymchuk, V. Melnyk, A. Kuzmich, V. Makara, A. Goushcha Tin induced a-Si crystallization in thin films of Si-Sn alloys //Journal of Applied Physics (2013), 114, 213104
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 03 March 2014.
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 03 March 2014.
1. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kurilyuk A.M., Saenko G.V., Kalenyk O.O., Kurilyuk V.V., Okonchuk M.V. / Effect of Thermomechanical and Ultrasonic Treatment on the Properties of Amorphous Alloys // Springer Proceedings in Physics 240, Chapter 20, Microstructure and Properties of Micro- and Nanoscale Materials, Films, and Coatings (NAP 2019), p. 219-225, 2020. DOI 10.1007/978-981-15-1742-6. Scopus.
2. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kunitskyi Y.A., Kalenyk O.O. Plyushchay I.V., Turkov O.V. / Initiation of the explosive crystallization process in amorphous alloys of the Fe-Zr system by pulse laser treatment // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 11(2), 02005-1 – 02005-4, 2019.
3. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kozachenko V.V., Kuryliuk A.M., Turkov O.V., Saenko G.V./ Effect of ultrasonic treatment on phase formation processes in amorphous alloy Fe76 Ni4 Si14 B6 // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 11(3), 03031-1 – 03031-4, 2019. DOI: 10.21272/jnep.11(2).02005. Scopus фахове видання
4. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Ovsiienko I.V., Saenko G.V., Plyushchay I.V., Kalenyk O.O. / The explosive crystallization process in binary amorphous alloys Ni-Zr system // 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 203-206, Scopus.
5. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kuryliuk A.M., Ovsiienko I.V., Saenko G.V., Turkov O.V. / Influence of Constant Magnetic Field on Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of the Amorphous Alloys Based on Co, Fe and Ni. // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics (Журнал нано- та електронної фізики) Vol. 12 No 3, 03026(4pp) (2020). Scopus, фахове видання.
6. Tatiana L. Tsaregradskaya, Inna V. Plyushchay, Olexandr O. Kalenyk, Olexandr I. Plyushchay, Galina V. Saenko / Features of Phase Formation Processes in Amorphous Alloys of Fe-Zr System // Springer Proceedings in Physics 246, Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites,Nanostructure Surfaces,and Their Applications, Chapter 30, p.409-424, 2020. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51905-6_30
7. T.L. Tsaregradskaya, I.V. Ovsiienko, V.V. Kozachenko, A.M. Kurilyik, G.V. Saenko, O.O. Kalenyk & O.V. Turkov (2022) Effect of constant magnetic field on the properties of transition metals based amorphous alloys, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2022.2091269
8. T.L. Tsaregradskaya, I.V. Ovsiienko, T.A. Len, G.V. Saenko, O.V. Turkov (2022) Structure and properties of amorphous-nanocrystalline alloy Fe77,5Ni3,5Mo1Si2B16, obtained by controlled annealing from the amorphous state, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2022.2068472
Posted in Наукові групиComments (1)
Posted on 21 November 2013.
Posted in Наукові групиComments (0)
Posted on 21 November 2013.
Вовченко Л.Л. – старший науковий співробітник КЗФ, д.ф.-м.н.
Овсієнко І.В. – доцент КЗФ, к.ф.-м.н.
Лень Т.А. – науковий співробітник КЗФ, к.ф.-м.н.
Журавков О.В. – провідний інженер КЗФ.
Турков О. – провідний інженер КЗФ.
Сиволожський Олексій (аспірант)
Шпилька Денис (аспірант)
Posted in Наукові групиComments (1)
Posted on 21 November 2013.
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