Категорія Наукові групи

Процеси фазоутворення в аморфних матеріалах: публікації

1. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kurilyuk A.M., Saenko G.V., Kalenyk O.O., Kurilyuk V.V., Okonchuk M.V. / Effect of Thermomechanical and Ultrasonic Treatment on the Properties of Amorphous Alloys // Springer Proceedings in Physics 240, Chapter 20, Microstructure and Properties of Micro- and Nanoscale Materials, Films, and Coatings (NAP 2019), p. 219-225, 2020. DOI 10.1007/978-981-15-1742-6. Scopus.

2. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kunitskyi Y.A., Kalenyk O.O. Plyushchay I.V., Turkov O.V. / Initiation of the explosive crystallization process in amorphous alloys of the Fe-Zr system by pulse laser treatment // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 11(2), 02005-1 – 02005-4, 2019.

3. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kozachenko V.V., Kuryliuk A.M., Turkov O.V., Saenko G.V./ Effect of ultrasonic treatment on phase formation processes in amorphous alloy Fe76 Ni4 Si14 B6 // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 11(3), 03031-1 – 03031-4, 2019. DOI: 10.21272/jnep.11(2).02005. Scopus фахове видання

4. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Ovsiienko I.V., Saenko G.V., Plyushchay I.V., Kalenyk O.O. / The explosive crystallization process in binary amorphous alloys Ni-Zr system // 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 203-206, Scopus.

5. Tsaregradskaya T.L., Kuryliuk A.M., Ovsiienko I.V., Saenko G.V., Turkov O.V. / Influence of Constant Magnetic Field on Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of the Amorphous Alloys Based on Co, Fe and Ni. // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics (Журнал нано- та електронної фізики) Vol. 12 No 3, 03026(4pp) (2020). Scopus, фахове видання.

6. Tatiana L. Tsaregradskaya, Inna V. Plyushchay, Olexandr O. Kalenyk, Olexandr I. Plyushchay, Galina V. Saenko / Features of Phase Formation Processes in Amorphous Alloys of Fe-Zr System // Springer Proceedings in Physics 246, Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites,Nanostructure Surfaces,and Their Applications, Chapter 30, p.409-424, 2020. Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51905-6_30

7. T.L. Tsaregradskaya, I.V. Ovsiienko, V.V. Kozachenko, A.M. Kurilyik, G.V. Saenko, O.O. Kalenyk & O.V. Turkov (2022) Effect of constant magnetic field on the properties of transition metals based amorphous alloys, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2022.2091269

8. T.L. Tsaregradskaya, I.V. Ovsiienko, T.A. Len, G.V. Saenko, O.V. Turkov (2022) Structure and properties of amorphous-nanocrystalline alloy Fe77,5Ni3,5Mo1Si2B16, obtained by controlled annealing from the amorphous state, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2022.2068472

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